I am a Checkpoints addict. I love browsing the store aisles and finding everything I can scan as often as I am able to. It makes shopping actually fun instead of an annoying chore. I find myself actually going to stores instead of just buying online. Good for the economy, especially local, as I buy more stuff (no I do not buy everything I scan, but I do get out to stores and purchase little things more than I used to). Also, good for me because I get Amazon gift cards to use on my ever growing Amazon Wish List.
I plan to use this blog as a platform to share info on my Checkpoints scanning adventures, as well as what the current items that can be scanned and at what type of stores to help you know where to go if you do not see those types of stores in the areas you usually hang out in. Would love to have reader interaction and hear your scanning stories, too. Also, feel free to let me know any other kinds of posts you would like to see on this blog.